Sunday, February 7, 2010

How Does The Menstruation Look Like Does The Quran Say Women Can Or Cannot Pray During Menstruation?

Does the Quran say women can or cannot pray during menstruation? - how does the menstruation look like

Can I borrow a right time, not opinions please without proof.

So far I have not a quotation from the Koran states that women are met to pray during menstruation (still), but that is to follow what the majority of Muslims, and what I learned.

Have I missed something in the Koran?
If the Hadith mentioning this?


Harley Quinn. said...

To add the answers of the other
Here are details on the decisions of menstruation:

Fajr said...

N Koran says nothing about it, but tell me why something was not as important as that mentioned in the Quran and Bukhari and leave others to tell him. Quran is complete, Allah says he has nothing left on the Koran, but we trust God when He said. Allah does not forget to tell you not to pray during menstruation, was deliberately omitted. Menstrual word is mentioned in the Koran, but not just for sex while it was not difficult for Allah also says its rules on women should not pray or fast.

Hadith Prophet Muhammad prohibited his letter, had no interest at all in the documentation, because they left us nothing but the Koran, which is the only message to us.

Muslims come after speculation that the hadiths were written 200 + after the death of the Prophet, what kind of insecurity and what is true and beyond all doubt.

Ruchjat K said...

Saadia.Yes Salam Dear God says in the Koran that is soiled clothing must be clean (74:4), and we must avoid Maksiat or done badly (74:5) God also spoke of Haid, or menstruation, and therefore we must move away from women to hold .. The husband must avoid his wife in a dirty condition again befote on the St. --
Allah loves those who 2:222 (Sacred) Allah also mentioned the dirty cleaning can be done wudu by the bathroom or in accordance with its status Tayammum (4:43 and 5:6)
According to the hadith, women pray during menstruation or not Shalaten Town (obligatory and Sunnah), recitation or reading of the Koran, fasting (compulsory and Sunna) and to have sex with her husband.
Cleanliness is part of Iman (faith) in Islam.

MUhammed K said...

2:222 not dirty, my bad for sex.
does not affect the performance of religious duties

If, after most of them are then convicted, the majority goes to hell
6:116] If you obey the majority of people on Earth and deviates from the path of God. They only follow conjecture, but only guess.

[6:117] Your Lord is fully aware of those who deviate from their path, and he is fully aware that targeted them.

You are free to choose, there is no obligation to

However, there is the writing that Al-Quran
The Scriptures are not told.

Fajr is just

Henchman said...

No, not in the Koran. This is what you get. The order, not the women approach their husbands during this time.

2:222. They ask you about menstruation. Say: "This is an evil and a pollution: Keep it away from women in their courses, and does not enter until they are clean. But if they're clean, you can approach it in any way the date or place order for God. And Allah loves those who come to him, and he loves to clean herself.

I have read some controversy over the translation, the use of "corruption and pollution, but not found, at the time of order.

soofi-so... said...

Volume 1, Book 6, Number 304:
Narrated Asma bint Abi Bakr:

A woman asked Allah's Apostle "O Allah's Apostle, what do we do when the blood of menses falls on the garment? The Apostle of Allah said:" If this is menstrual blood on the clothing of one of you has the blood stain, scrub with water rinse and then say (to him). "

-------------------------------------- ...
Volume 1, Book 6, Number 305:
Narrated Aisha ":

If one of us is the menstrual period, they, if he uses clean, to the blood stains and wipe the blood off his clothes and pouring water, and wash and sprinkle over the water on the rest of the garment. After I to pray (on him).

omar s said...

Your eyes are beautiful. Allah and His Messenger, it is easy for you if you take your time, not to fast and pray, or sex ... What do you want?

Shaku(Shakila) -Tryin To Be Good said...

You may not in a state of impurity.

NONAME said...

No, it is impossible, because if you menstrating its dirty or something ... Therefore, differences Nama Wusu their holes. On the right side. Pray menstrating no sin.

Spiderma... said...

You can
unless you have the 7 colors.

Antonio D said...

I am sure that God does not care ... Pray ....

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